The Tokyo International Anime Fair (TAF), a four-day annual event launched in 2002, will be held from March 27 to 30, 2008. The Canadian Embassy in Tokyo will again coordinate the...
Japanese architect Hiroshi Kato, who is rebuilding Rinkoji Temple in Mishima, Shizuoka Prefecture, says that he expects the Canadian white cedar he chose for the temple’s beams,...
Japan’s Oriental Land Company has announced that Cirque du Soliel’s new theatre at Tokyo Disneyland will open October 1, 2008. It will be called "Cirque du Soleil Theatre Tokyo"...
Although some freight, primarily auto-related, is being carried by Chinese and Korean ships from Japan to Canada’s new container terminal in Prince Rupert, BC, Japanese shipping...
While in Japan to give a speech in Kitakyushu City, Manager Ry Smith of Canada's "Hydrogen Village" in Ontario is visiting universities and companies to look for useful...
The awards ceremony for the second annual Maple Sweets recipe contest in Japan was held at the Canadian embassy in Tokyo. This year’s contest, in bakery and confectionery...
Canada Pork International (CPI) and the Canadian Embassy in Tokyo sponsored an event to announce publication of the Japanese edition of The Canadian Pork Story, a book all about...
The 12th Foreign Chambers in Japan (FCIJ) Business Confidence Survey was conducted October 15-26, 2007 . The results and analysis are now available online at the FCIJ...
CCCJ Small Business and Professional Member Reiko Sonoyama was profiled in the April 23, 2007, edition of Nikkei Business. Read the full text (in Japanese), from the file...