CCCJ Committees

Get Involved

Volunteering to sit on a Chamber committee offers an excellent opportunity to have hands-on involvement in the development of the CCCJ and Canada-Japan business relations. Your input will influence Chamber programs, activities and policies, and the tangible results can offer great personal and professional satisfaction. Subcommittees are also periodically established to work on specific projects or tasks. Members are encouraged to participate on any committee of interest. Enthusiasm is the only prerequisite!

Feel free to contact the CCCJ office at info [at] (subject: Committee%20Involvement)


Standing Committees

Publications and Communications Committee

This committee provides direction for the Chamber’s Communications and Publications, aimed at both engaging members and promoting the CCCJ and the causes it represents across the wider business community. In close collaboration with the other committees, activities include production of the daily Canada-Japan Newsletter, support for development of content for the website and quarterly magazine The Canadian, media outreach surrounding CCCJ announcements, as well as communication with members for events, Town Hall meetings and surveys.

Chair: Annamarie Sasagawa

Events Committee

Plans and implements events that are of two basic types: purely informational in nature or essentially social, ‘networking’ types. Themes and speakers are selected for the ability to reflect economic, social and cultural realities in the Japan/Canada relationship. Examples of the former include issues of interest to Canadian business people living and working in Japan such as corporate governance issues, ‘how to’ series in beginning and operating a business in Japan and issues of a social nature relating to living and working in Japan. Major ‘networking’ events include: the Maple Leaf Gala, the Annual Golf Tournament, resident and visiting political and business guest speakers, as well as monthly member networking events.

Chair: Kaz Fujisawa

Finance and Administration Committee

Ensures that the fiduciary responsibilities of the CCCJ are in place and maintained. The committee also oversees human resource requirements and works with the Chamber staff on general operations.

Chair: Gordon Hatton

Membership Committee

Endeavors to develop initiatives that enhance the benefits of membership and attract new members. Also assists with the implementation and analysis of an annual membership satisfaction survey.

Chair: Seiji Omote

CSR Committee

The mission of our CSR team is to make the “soft power” connection of Canadian business people with Japan. This takes many forms depending on the volunteers we gather and the opportunities we find. We have enjoyed great success supporting important activities and regions of Japan where we made a difference with virtually no budget. As a result we have spent a lot of time in Tohoku in the past 10 years. Going forward there is an opportunity to provide our members with plug and play ESG opportunities that are increasingly essential for large and small companies alike. CSR is an area of strength for Canada and for the CCCJ. You would be amazed how much leverage it can provide your “small” idea to make Japan or the world, a better place.

Chair: Christian Howes

Global Diversity Management Committee

The goal of the committee is to bring together business people from the CCCJ's membership as well as the greater international chamber network to learn from one another and discuss gender, racial, sexual and cultural diversity as well as equality in Japan. Increased diversity in corporations have been proven by numerous studies, such as a 2015 report by McKinsey and Company, to have higher profits, success, and employee satisfaction. By creating an environment of diversity in Japan, the CCCJ will facilitate the growth of Japanese firms’ talent that can apply themselves around the world and thus create higher returns.

The work of the Global Diversity Management Committee will strengthen the CCCJ’s brand and ultimately increase our membership.

Chair: Kayo Ito

Investment and Business Committee

This committee provides direction and consultation for investment opportunities as a result of CPTPP and other trade agreements. The key product is the annual Investment Business Guide.

Chair: Aaron Reist


Other Committees

Emerging Technologies Committee

This committee seeks to identify and discuss technologies as a whole covering topics on IT, engineering, development, and innovation.
Whether it is existing infrastructure or new technologies, we are looking at how implementations are making an impact on businesses, and how we can bring opportunities to our members.

Chair: Nicolas Chow Chin Sung

Wellness Committee

The world is trending towards more health-conscious diets and activities. It has also created huge market opportunities - from athletic apparel to at-home streaming fitness subscription to digital gadgets.
The global wellness market continues to rise and reached $4.2 trillion in 2017, according to the Global Wellness Institute.
The Wellness Committee aims to offer members not only fun networking events that involve some physical activities, but also knowledge-based seminars on topics from business to simple healthy living tips. 

Chair: Joey Wu

Team Canada Committee

Chair: Tadamichi Furuta

Education Committee

The goals of our Committee are threefold: (1) to design and implement educational activities and events that will help the Canada-Japan business community; (2) to provide career information and mentorship to young professionals, university and high school students; (3) and to bring together those interested in all levels of education to think together, to plan together, collaborate with other committees, and play together!

Some of the events we have organized, or are in the process of organizing, for the CCCJ include: speaker series on Indigenous Engagement; developing a COVID-19 protocol; compiling a list of educationally-sound online resources for Continuity of Learning during COVID-19; Speed Mentoring for young professionals; Conversation with Brad King, author of "Fat Wars"; and providing an English-speaking business/homestay experience for Tohoku high school students.

Chair: Riyo Whitney

Golf Committee

Our goals are to connect CCCJ members with the business community in Japan to develop strong relationships through golf. Currently we promote the CCCJ Golf Scramble, a 4-person team event that regularly sells out months before the first tee time. Thanks to the team format, many non-golfers join and enjoy social golf. Many participants have confided that this is the most fun golf tourney in Tokyo. If you’r interested, please join the committee or the next Scramble!

Chair: Warren Arbuckle

Gala Committee

The CCCJ Gala Committee is a great place where members can come together; and use their imagination once a year to create amazing “Soirées” (Evening Parties)
Our main goal is to top the Event from the previous year, so everyone will always look forward to the next one.
These events are not only for the enjoyment of our members and their guests, but also for raising funds for the Chamber and various charities.
If you wish to join the Gala Committee, please contact the CCCJ office E.D. We welcome all to join. See you at the next one.

Chair: Donovan Gordon

External Relations Committee

The External Relations Committee (ERC) is charged with fostering and maintaining relations with our external partners in industry and government. In collaboration with the Publications and Communications Committee, the ERC will serve as the advocacy arm of the CCCJ bringing our communities' socio-economic interests to the attention of partners and decision makers.


Sustainability Committee

Mission: lead The Canadian Chamber of Commerce towards better sustainable practices while supporting the larger business community to becoming sustainable advocates.
Vision: to be the leading voice for sustainability with the international chamber of commerce community.

Chair: Justin Conley

Energy Committee

Chair: Christian Orton

Real Estate Committee

The Real Estate Committee’s mission is to provide useful and timely information on real estate matters as it relates to the Japan-Canada business community. Our seminars and events will allow members to connect to those in the industry to exchange ideas and engage in dialogue on important real estate related topics to the membership. If there are specific areas of interest we welcome you to let us know.

Co-Chairs: Ai Nakagawa, Gordon Hatton

Market Access Advisory Committee

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The purpose of Market Access Advisory Committee (MAAC) is to deliver on CCCJ’s key objective “Promote the development of commerce between Canada and Japan” and in doing so, also enhance the business & activity for its current and potential members.

  • The MAAC aims to deliver this by providing advice, network connections, and guidance via event series/webinars on matters relevant for Market Access & Expansion in Japan and Canada, by and for Canadian & Japanese businesses (Large enterprises, SMEs, Individuals).
  • There is huge potential for Canadian businesses and entrepreneurs to access the Japan market, the third largest economy offering an opportunity to reach 126 million consumers.

- A key hurdle for business to enter Japan is knowledge and understanding of the market, regulations, trade channels, business culture, and network of knowledge base. Despite seeming like a challenge, right understanding & network can help unlock this potential market for Canadian businesses.

  • For Japanese businesses, Canada is a potential to be tapped. Several Japanese businesses already operate in Canada. There are numerous other Japanese businesses who have strategic objectives to expand beyond Japan, they could benefit from accessing Canadian consumers.
  • The MAAC aims to  assist with this endeavor. The committee is composed of interested members who contribute their own expertise during the events and/or invite professionals and experts in their network on areas of Business Models, Sales Channels, Marketing, Legal & Regulatory, M&A, GTM Strategy, Innovation, Supply Chain & Logistics, People, Talent , Cultural understanding  and other areas of interests related to market access.
  • The committee also aims to provide a platform for its members to help make the connections in order to:
  1. Increase existing CCCJ member business activity –attract more business
  2. Increase Membership by making it attractive for firms & individuals to join CCCJ
  3. Drive higher participation of current members in CCCJ

Committee Chair : Shailesh Shukla