Japan International Dispute Resolution Center Tour & Arbitration Talk

The Japan International Dispute Resolution Center (JIDRC), Japan Commercial Arbitration Association (JCAA), and European Business Council in Japan (EBC) proudly present this special hybrid event. Join us for an on-site/virtual tour of the JIDRC’s state-of-the-art facilities followed by a talk about the latest developments in international arbitration in Japan. Representatives from the JIDRC and the JCAA will discuss what Japan has done right in the last five years and what it can do in the next five years to become a preferred seat of arbitration. The program will end with a networking opportunity for the participants on-site. Social distancing and other safety measures will be observed at the venue.
When: September 8, 2022, 3:30 pm–5:15 pm (JST)
Format: Hybrid event (in-person and online via Zoom broadcast at the JIDRC)
Register here:
In Person (limited to 50 people)
3:30 pm–3:45 pm In-Person/Virtual Tour of the JIDRC (first group)
3:45 pm–4:00 pm In-Person/Virtual Tour of the JIDRC (second group)

4:00 pm–4:05 pm Welcome Remarks by Prof. Yoshihisa Hayakawa, Executive Director and Secretary General, JIDRC; Professor of Law, Rikkyo University; and Partner at Uryu & Itoga

4:05 pm–4:35 pm Arbitration Talk 

Junya Naito, Asst. Chair, Advisory Board, JIDRC; and Partner, Momo-o, Matsuo & Namba
Akiko Yamakawa, Public Relations Officer, JCAA; and Partner, Vanguard Lawyers Tokyo
Miriam Rose Ivan L. Pereira, Public Relations Officer, JCAA; and Counsel, Oh-Ebashi LPC & Partners
Moderator: Tony Andriotis, Member, Advisory Board, JIDRC; Professional Institutional Relations Officer, JCAA; and Partner, DLA Piper

4:35 pm–5:00 pm Q&A
5:00 pm–5:15 pm Networking


Event Details

  • September 08 (Thu)
    Registration Closed
  • 15:30 ~ 17:15
  • Free of charge
Registration is Closed