Chicken and Egg: Which Comes First, Business or Marketing?

On December 5th, 2013, the CCCJ hosted a discussion and workshop with Robert Snow, President, Robert Snow Marketing Communications Inc. (Toronto and New York). Robert spoke on how marketing, as a discipline, is essential to informing and inspiring business and product innovation.

Robert explained the importance of understanding cultural norms when marketing to different countries. Advertising intended for the Americas may not be suitable for an Asian audience and vice versa. Understanding the subtleties of your target country is an important step in marketing.

Robert then explored the evolving value chain. The value chain of a product is no longer linear but is a web-like structure where ideas flow back and forth, and works together simultaneously to build a product. Furthermore, companies can no longer fish for customers; companies must learn consumer needs and build a product or service to satisfy them.

Following the seminar, participants enjoyed a lively networking reception at Roppongi Hills Club where they were able to further discuss the seminar.