BDTI raising funds for Japanese corporate governance initiative

The nonprofit Board Director Training Institute of Japan (BDTI) has been certified by the Japanese government as a rare new koueki houjin to specialize in information sharing and training to improve corporate governance, something which is vital to improving the economy and the environment for foreign investment in Japan. Without better corporate governance, M&A opportunities for foreign firms will continue to be the exception rather than the rule, and both growth and the stock market will continue to be sluggish because of zombie companies and other manifestations of slow asset allocation. 

This private-sector initiative needs to raise more than 100 donations in amounts larger than 3,000 Yen each by next March in order to qualify for extra-special tax status. Donations are already tax-deductible in Japan.  If you agree with BDTI’s mission, please contribute 3,500 Yen or more using the form at and ask two friends to do the same. In this simple way, we Canadians can make a statement – the CCCJ will be listed as among BDTI’s “Supporters” --in the year when Japan just experienced one of the largest failures of governance oversight over risk management in history.